Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing 7

GRRRR! I just typed a long post for this thing and then got an error when I tried to post. That's what I get for not saving! Anyway, on to more pleasant subjects....Google tools. I loved setting up my iGoogle page. My husband was amused by my excitement over this because it's been around for quite a while, but I guess I had my head in the sand. As the mother of two active preschoolers (is that redundant???) I don't tend to spend any free time that I have on news or newspapers so I love having a couple of news boxes on my iGoogle page to keep me up-to-date on major happenings. I also love seeing the pictures of Places to See Before You Die...hopefully, I'll get to see a couple of them one day. I didn't spend alot of time on it, but I also enjoyed learning about Google Scholar. I plan to share it with my faculty, some of whom can't seem to understand that elementary school students are not generally capable of coming to the library on their own to use Google in order to research topics for their classrooms. You'd think they'd get tired of hearing my lecture about how the school district spends HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on subscriptions to databases with reliable, current, unbiased information for them to use. LOL! I also took some time to introduce myself to Google docs, which I'd been hearing about, but hadn't actually tried. WOW! This could be a great tool for the library department, as well as our individual campus. We are always asked to work on the campus improvement much easier if it's posted in Google docs and everyone can view/edit from their own computer instead of providing paper copies to each team. Also, I thought it would be wonderful to have our contact information and / or emergency call list in Google docs, that way everyone can update their own information as needed. Isn't it amazing what we can do with a computer and an Internet connection these days?

1 comment:

Technochallenged-Michelle said...

Techmaniac in Training,
Thanks so much for sharing your idea of putting the Campus Improvement plan in a Google doc so all can work on it! I am going to use your idea for collaborative lesson plans for our Pre-K team & also for the curriculum alignment to the new Texas Pre-K guidelines. You are so right, it is amazing what can be done with a computer & internet connection these days. I have seen the iGoogle gps thing work, you may want to give it a try. It will send you text or voice directions on your cell phone.