Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thing 14

Okay, I understand Technorati a little better after this exercise. I'm still not completely comfortable with it, but I do feel like I could use it effectively at this point. I thought it was interesting that out of the top 5 blogs listed by fans vs authority, there were three that appeared on both lists. I didn't expect to see such a high correlation between the two. I was also surprised to find that many of the top 15 searches related to topics unfamiliar to me. I noticed that when I clicked on the tag, 'phil bradley' I got hits for every blog that included each term separately, rather than the complete item. That should be corrected, I think. All in all, I think Technorati is a tool that I would like to introduce to my campus in hopes that it might encourage some of our teachers to get involved in the blogosphere. Personally, I may use it to find other blogs that pertain to my interest to replace some of the ones that I currently have on my Google Reader that may not be as useful as I first thought. Regarding tagging...I love the way that these little guys work! It's so great to be able to sort and find items according to the keywords that make sense to me. Of course, it becomes a little like assigning subject headings when it comes to finding information based on the tags of others. What made sense to them may not make sense to me and vice versa. I like the 'recommended tags' feature found on many of the sites we've explored, as that provides some order to the organization. I guess it's the librarian in me, but I feel like there should be some semblance of authority for all of these keywords, although I appreciate the freedom to use whichever tags I choose.

1 comment:

Phil said...

You may find that your searches will work better in Technorati if you search for your key terms in double quotes - "phil bradley" will get a more accurate result that phil bradley.